Reunion Dates & Info

Catch up with your classmates!

Please make sure we have your updated information so we can reach you when your reunion is schedule. Click here to update info! 


2004: 20th Reunion

Sat, Aug. 3, 2004. Learn more here!
Make sure your info is updated so we can contact you with details! Click here to update info! 


1974: 50th Reunion

Fri & Sat, Sept. 27 & 28, 2024. Learn more here!
Make sure your info is updated so we can contact you with details! Click here to update info!


1969: 55th Reunion

Fri & Sat, Sept. 27 & 28, 2024. Planning is in the works! More info to come!
Make sure your info is updated so we can contact you with details! Click here to update info! 

2014: 10th Reunion

Thurs & Sat, Oct. 10 & 12, 2024. Learn more here!
Make sure your info is updated so we can contact you with details! Click here to update info! 

2001: 25th Reunion

We had so much fun at the 20th (21 years later) that we’ll plan a 25th reunion in 2026!


If you are planning a reunion and would like it listed and/or hosted here, or are needing to schedule your class reunion school tour, please email