1968 – 55th Reunion

Friday & Saturday, Sept 29 – 30, 2023

Class of 1968! We are excited to see everyone for our 55th reunion! 
There will be no upfront fees or ticket sales, it will be pay-as-you-go. We just ask you to RSVP here so we can let the restaurants know how many to expect!
Friday, Sept 29th
Omaha Tap House
579 N. 155th Plaza, Omaha
Pay as you go

Please RSVP so we know how many are coming.

Tickets Available

Saturday, Sept 30th
School Tour at Burke

Sep 30th. 9am-11am

Walk down the Burke halls of memory lane and see all the new improvements since the 60s! Our tour will include the new stadium!
Make sure to wear comfy shoes!

Burke High School
12200 Burke Blvd
Omaha, NE 68154


Tickets Available

Class of 1968 Reunion at Farmer Brown’s
6:00pm cocktails
7:00pm Dinner
Farmer Brown’s
2620 River Road Dr., Waterloo, NE 68069
Pay as you go


Please RSVP so we know how many are coming.

Tickets Available

Please consider a donation to support your Burke Alumni Association!
Make a donation to the Burke High School Alumni Association – Class of 1968

Make a tax deductible donation to the Burke High School Alumni Association. You’ll be supporting scholarships, Burke events, alumni awards and more!


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